Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Helo Flight to New Harbor

On Thursday, we flew by helicopter to a bay on the mainland of Antarctica called New Harbor to collect some seafloor samples.

It was about a 30-minute chopper ride from McMurdo to the field camp at New Harbor.

Antarctica is amazing to see from the air. As we were crossing McMurdo Sound, we could see a field of enormous icebergs trapped in the sea ice north of us:

The base camp at New Harbor is used primarily for diving under the sea ice there. There is a species of foraminifera unique to New Harbor - foraminifera are single-celled, often macroscopic, organisms with fairly complex behavior. The sea ice at New Harbor is not smooth and flat like elsewhere in McMurdo Sound - here tidal forces cause it to be cracked and compressed and ridged:

The dark color patches you see on the sea ice above are collected dust and dirt carried by winds from the shore. There were lots of interesting patterns and formations to see in the ice:

Below are what appear to be bubbles trapped in the ice:

At New Harbor, dive holes are made by using explosives to blast a big hole in the ice, then letting the hole partially refreeze to form a foot-thick shelf, then using a chainsaw to cut a nice round hole. Here is the result:

We made two dives through this hole. The surrounding scenery was just gorgeous. Below is a shot of the nearby mountains and part of the Commonwealth Glacier:

And finally, a last shot of Mt. Erebus from the air on the way home:

Another amazing day!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Field Trip to Cape Royds

This Sunday, November 9th, we set off on a field trip to visit the Barne Glacier, the explorer Shackleton's hut, and the penguin colony (called a rookery) at Cape Royds. DJ and I took snowmobiles and the rest of the team rode in the Pisten Bully:

We headed north over the the sea ice of McMurdo Sound. We passed Cape Evans and the two icebergs trapped in the sea ice there:
Shortly thereafter, we reached the Barne Glacier - a river of ice flowing (at a glacial pace) off Mt. Erebus: You can get a feel for the size of the glacier face by the person walking in front of it.

After the Barne Glacier, we continued northward along the sea ice to Cape Royds, where the explorer Shackleton had built a hut to use as a base camp for exploring the continent of Antarctica. The hut was built in 1909 and is remarkably well preserved:
The other neat aspect of Cape Royds is the big penguin rookery there. What is it about those goofy penguins that appeals to humans so much? Perhaps it's because they look like they're always having fun? Who knows... Each year, the penguins return to the rookeries to mate, lay eggs, and raise the young. They were certainly doing a lot of mating when we were there!

Finally, as we were leaving the cape, I saw the following tracks in the snow. On the left are penguin tracks walking up the hill and on the right are tracks walking down the hill followed by a belly-slide the rest of the way!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Under the Ice

We are currently diving the robot at a site called Cape Armitage - about halfway between McMurdo and New Zealand's Scott Base. Here are a few images from the first dive there.

The photo above is of SCINI just entering the dive hole. We had a lot of trouble getting this hole made since the ice was about 32 feet thick. We used a melting machine called a Hotsy to melt the hole through the ice, which is why it has an odd shape.

The photo above was taken at about the same time as the first photo, but taken through SCINI's camera. The metal cage you see is to protect SCINI's optical dome while we learn to fly it - kind of like training wheels!
The next image is of a sea spider (pycnogonid) walking around the sea ice.

Next is a field of sea anemones:

Below is a photo of a starfish (acodontaster):

Next, two big Rosella sponge corals:

Another sea spider and sponge coral:

And the last image is another sponge coral and sea anemone:

Finally, here is a link to some underwater video of SCINI recorded by a diver. It shows SCINI going through its paces, investigating sea life, cruising around and returning to the hole:

SCINI is scheduled to appear on the Today Show on November 17.

Amazing Day!

Yesterday we did something different and took about a 40-mile trip along McMurdo Sound to visit a few interesting sites.
After about a 45-minute drive on the sea ice in the Pisten Bully, our first stop was to an ice cave in the Erebus glacier tongue. The Erebus Glacier is one of several glaciers flowing off the active volcano Mt. Erebus. Part of this glacier flows several miles out into the sea ice and is called the ice tongue. Some natural ice caves had formed when deep crevasses in the ice tongue closed up on top.

Ice crystals grew inside the cave that looked a lot like stalactites in a mineral cave.

The cave was fairly roomy and had an eerie blue glow.

It was one of the most unique things I have seen on Earth!
After the cave, we drove over to the Scott Hut on Cape Evans near the Barne Glacier. Although this hut was abandoned after the expedition in 1913, much of its contents are well preserved.

Nearby was Cross Hill, which held a memorial for members of the expedition who died in Antarctica. The view from the hill was spectacular. Below are two trapped icebergs in the distance:

After visiting the hut, we drove over to the two icebergs to look for a diving hole. Although we didn't find one, we did run across three Adelie penguins trotting along!

They were just waddling and belly-sliding along, looking like they were just having the best time!

It was quite impressive to get up close to the icebergs. The ice bergs are broken off from a glacier, and are formed of rather pure ice. They have a beautiful iridescent blue color.

And finally, we drove over to Cape Evans Wall to make a SCUBA dive. As I was wandering around the dive area, I noticed a small hole in the ice with bubbles coming up into it. I was excited about finding what I thought was a volcanic vent until a seal stuck its nose through the slush and started taking breaths!

You can just make out the nostrils and whiskers in the picture above. The next time he came back, I was ready and shot the following video.
What an amazing day.