The dark color patches you see on the sea ice above are collected dust and dirt carried by winds from the shore. There were lots of interesting patterns and formations to see in the ice:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Helo Flight to New Harbor
The dark color patches you see on the sea ice above are collected dust and dirt carried by winds from the shore. There were lots of interesting patterns and formations to see in the ice:
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Field Trip to Cape Royds
Finally, as we were leaving the cape, I saw the following tracks in the snow. On the left are penguin tracks walking up the hill and on the right are tracks walking down the hill followed by a belly-slide the rest of the way!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Under the Ice

The photo above was taken at about the same time as the first photo, but taken through SCINI's camera. The metal cage you see is to protect SCINI's optical dome while we learn to fly it - kind of like training wheels!

Below is a photo of a starfish (acodontaster):

Next, two big Rosella sponge corals:

Another sea spider and sponge coral:

And the last image is another sponge coral and sea anemone:

Finally, here is a link to some underwater video of SCINI recorded by a diver. It shows SCINI going through its paces, investigating sea life, cruising around and returning to the hole:
Amazing Day!
Ice crystals grew inside the cave that looked a lot like stalactites in a mineral cave.
The cave was fairly roomy and had an eerie blue glow.
It was one of the most unique things I have seen on Earth!
Nearby was Cross Hill, which held a memorial for members of the expedition who died in Antarctica. The view from the hill was spectacular. Below are two trapped icebergs in the distance:
After visiting the hut, we drove over to the two icebergs to look for a diving hole. Although we didn't find one, we did run across three Adelie penguins trotting along!
It was quite impressive to get up close to the icebergs. The ice bergs are broken off from a glacier, and are formed of rather pure ice. They have a beautiful iridescent blue color.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Interesting Sights...
This next creature is a Sea Spider. It isn't in the same family as spiders or crabs - it's unique. They get quite large here - over two feet. This one has a good-sized parasite on one of its legs.
There are a variety of strange vehicles here. One that we use often is called a Pisten-Bully:
It has two compartments: the driver's compartment with two seats and the passenger/cargo compartment in back, which can seat 6 people or hold a bunch of cargo. Here's the obligatory Jim-driving-a-cool-new-snow-tractor photo:
Next is a shot of the Mt. Erebus volcano puffing away at sundown (not sunset, since there won't be anymore of those until next year):
And finally, a shot of Mt. Discovery with a standing lenticular cloud around its summit. These clouds are caused by high winds and orographic lifting, and appear to be stationary. To a pilot, they indicate nasty turbulence on the lee side of the mountain. To normal people, they just look interesting! :-)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Long Week
This poor guy had just had several implants and tracking devices surgically removed and was still sleeping off the ketamine. But he was still fun to see anyway:
So after visiting with the seal, I went back to the dive hut to carry on with another SCINI dive. Unfortunately, unlike the first two dives, this dive met with failure! First, one of the two active camera lights failed, and then the imagery received from the robot was far too dark. When we pulled the robot back out of the water, we noticed smoke inside the camera "bottle" and immediately shut off power. We took the camera bottle back to the lab and eventually determined there was a short circuit in the camera lighting circuitry due to salt water intrusion:
We took this opportunity of being back in the lab to fix several other nagging problems.
In the mean time, we started preparing a new dive site at Cape Armitage. This site is about a 15 minute drive across the sea ice from McMurdo Station, and is in sight of the New Zealand base. We are using a device to melt a hole through the ice called a "Hotsy". We had tried several attempts with a truck-mounted hydraulic drill but were not able to reach water by the time the 24 foot limit of the drill was reached. Thus we resorted to melting our way through. Here Francois and I are refueling the generator and melting machine:
This collection of machines pumps hot propylene glycol through a metal coil which is lowered down a hole. This heats the surrounding water, which expands the hole in the ice.
While we were making a hole at a new site, two of us were SCUBA diving in a dive hut in front of the station. The dive hut has a heater which keeps the inside fairly warm. We had also rigged a fan and a plastic tube to blow warm air on the surface of the ice hole to prevent it from re-freezing:
We have been promised an actuall day off tomorrow (Sunday), but it only starts after our 4:30AM trip to refuel the generator and Hotsy.