There are lots of interesting things to see in this otherworldly continent. Although the land is mostly devoid of life, the sea is teeming with it. Here are a few examples brought up by some divers recently:
This next creature is a Sea Spider. It isn't in the same family as spiders or crabs - it's unique. They get quite large here - over two feet. This one has a good-sized parasite on one of its legs.
There are a variety of strange vehicles here. One that we use often is called a Pisten-Bully:
It has two compartments: the driver's compartment with two seats and the passenger/cargo compartment in back, which can seat 6 people or hold a bunch of cargo. Here's the obligatory Jim-driving-a-cool-new-snow-tractor photo:
A friend and I hiked up a nearby 800-foot hill (Observation Hill) which offered great views of the surrounding landscape. Next is a shot of the lovely McMurdo Base:
Next is a shot of the Mt. Erebus volcano puffing away at sundown (not sunset, since there won't be anymore of those until next year):
And finally, a shot of Mt. Discovery with a standing lenticular cloud around its summit. These clouds are caused by high winds and orographic lifting, and appear to be stationary. To a pilot, they indicate nasty turbulence on the lee side of the mountain. To normal people, they just look interesting! :-)
Hi Jim~ Were those sea creatures photographed in a tank or were they taken with an underwater camera?
Thanks for the informative posts!! xo-C.
Hi Carla,
They were photographed in a tank in the marine lab here. They were brought up so non-divers could get a closer look at them.
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